


[lead]Using film to tell the story of young woman’s struggle with obesity helped the incoming UCF College of Medicine student add a powerful human context to her biology research.[/lead] [social-share-buttons]
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Amy Huang

“I like UCF’s ambition. It has a great idea of where it’s going in the future.”

- Amy Huang

For Amy Huang, obesity is more than statistics and terms such as “epidemic.” It’s about individual struggles, painful self-image and family dynamics — topics that the incoming UCF medical student explored in a documentary she created during her undergraduate education at Duke University. As a biology major, Huang says her primary focus had to be on science, but she’s also an artist who uses drawing, painting and filmmaking as a way to stay in touch with her creative side and add greater context and meaning her desire to study medicine.

The film about an 11-year-old girl fighting to overcome obesity — the same condition her mother has struggled with — was featured in a Huffington Post article, “Stop Typecasting Overweight Kids.” Producing the documentary allowed Huang to give a face to the challenges that a lot of Americans are facing. “I was able to work so closely with this young woman, to see how her struggle was so personal,” she says.

For the project Huang worked with Duke’s Healthy Lifestyle Program, which offers support for overweight children and their families, including lessons on healthy eating and family fitness. She says the most “haunting” lesson from her filmmaking was learning what participants liked best about the program. It wasn’t the free, fun and convenient activities. “The best thing about the program was that they were working out with kids who looked like them,” she said, rather than feeling like the only overweight child in a gym full of thin, fit children. “It was about inclusion.”

The documentary offered Huang an intensely personal look at obesity. Allison, the film’s young subject, shared with the filmmaker the pain of buying clothes and not being able to fit into the “cute” fashions that her thin contemporaries wear. And she talked about the self-doubt and the teasing that overweight children must endure from other youngsters. Allison gives advice in the film: “If you see someone is overweight, they’re still a person. It’s not like they’re a different species. People who are overweight want to be regular sized.” Allison’s mother, who had gastric bypass surgery several years ago because of her weight, talked about not wanting her daughter to have the same painful experiences she had faced and her wish for Allison to learn better eating and coping habits earlier in life.

In addition to her filmmaking, Huang also has volunteered at a cancer resource center and nursing home in Durham, N.C., and tutored young African girls in Kenya as part of a program dedicated to empowering underprivileged young women through education and health. She says she chose UCF for medical school because its friendly, supportive atmosphere reminded her of Duke. “I like UCF’s ambition,” she explains. “It has a great idea of where it’s going in the future.”

About Amy

Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from Duke University

Meet the UCF M.D. Class of 2019

4,875 verified applicants for this year’s class – a record number that even more than 2009 (4,307) when the college offered full scholarships to the entire charter class

121 enrollees – this is the medical school’s third class of full enrollment; the entire college will be at full enrollment (480) in 2016-17

24 UCF undergraduates — the most to date and the first class where UCF undergraduates outnumber graduates from any other Florida state university

Students’ alma maters include John Hopkins, Harvard, Yale, Duke, Notre Dame, Vanderbilt, UCLA, USC, Auburn, Northwestern, Boston University and Emory

4 military veterans, 2 Ph.D./J.D. and 14 students with master’s degrees

65 females and 56 males

Fluent in 30 languages besides English

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