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March 5, 2020

With next week’s Spring Break approaching, it’s important to be mindful of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) should your plans involve travel.

In keeping with federal guidance, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Mongolia, Italy, Iran and Japan are on UCF’s restricted destinations list, with study abroad programs to these countries canceled. UCF strongly recommends that all students and faculty and staff members also avoid personal travel to these countries.

Anyone returning from these countries is required to self-quarantine for 14 days, the period in which they could be contagious and pose a threat to others, and not return to campus until after that time. Any students or faculty or staff members who travel to these countries despite the warnings and with the understanding they will be required to self-quarantine should inform UCF of their plans by calling Student Health Services at 407-823-2509.

COVID-19 remains dynamic, and travel advisories are subject to change. Travelers should closely monitor travel information from the CDC:

Destinations with large, confined groups of people pose a higher risk of transmission. Travelers should proceed with caution, thoroughly research their destination, and consult with their doctors and UCF regarding any concerns.

I encourage you to not let the worries about the Coronavirus impact a fun and restful Spring Break. Rather, prioritize your safety and well-being, and make smart decisions.

Remain mindful that our hands are the vehicle for the spread of germs. Wash your hands often, and avoid using unclean hands to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

Know that UCF remains in regular contact with local, state and federal health agencies, and we’ll continue to share precautionary measures and other updates with you.

Dr. Michael Deichen, MD, MPH
Associate Vice President of UCF Student Health Services