On Wednesday, Oct. 4 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Student Union Pegasus Ballroom, students will have the chance to attend the largest health expo at UCF.
The Healthy Knights 2020 initiative is a collaboration of several Student Development and Enrollment Services’ departments as well as other campus and community partners, each contributing a component to an overall holistic healthy lifestyle.
A Healthy Knight is a Knight who takes care of their body through nutrition, physical exercise and sleep. They take care of their mental health and physical health and can recognize when they or a friend is in need of support. The event is a chance for students to learn more about available resources and services.
This year’s Healthy Knights 2020will feature a more interactive experience with multiple stations set up for students to engage with campus partners in order to learn about their health. Some of these activities include free health screenings, free flu shots, coloring stations, demonstrations and information about all health related services available at UCF to help students be a Healthy Knight.
Demonstration topics include: self-defense, cooking, CPR, stress busters, group exercise mashups and more. Additional highlights include:
For more information about FREE flu shots from Student Health Services, visit: www.studenthealth.ucf.edu/flu. Don’t miss out on such a fun and informative event.