The UCF Community gathered at the Reflecting Pond for the “9/11 Memorial: Never Forget” event to remember the September 11, 2001 tragedy. The memorial was a rememberance to the souls that perished, and the soldiers that answered the call to duty to restore justice and peace to our nation.
The event opened with the Presentation of Colors by the ROTC Color Guard, followed by a memorial wreath presented by the UCF Student Veterans Association (SVA), and the National Anthem that was sung by the Hagerty High School chorus. Guest speakers Jason Curtis (past-president and founder of the SVA); Chris Galvan (ROTC and former para-trooper Purple Heart recipiant); Jacki Fitzgerald (current president, UCF SVA); and Alejandro Mujica (SVA, public relations) reflected on the events of 9/11. There was several pauses of silence. This day is a reminder that freedom can pay a heavy price from those that oppose it.
The event was sponsored by UCF Student Veterans Association; Harry’s Famous Flowers, Inc.; UCF Army ROTC; Hagerty High School; and the offices Veteran’s Services and Student Union from the Division of Student Development and Enrollment Services.