The Association of College Unions International (ACUI)  has awarded UCF the “Outstanding Service Project of the Year Award” for their program, Knights Helping Knights Pantry. The award honors outstanding programs and program leaders on individual campuses who have made significant contributions to the community and campuses in which they live.

The Knights Helping Knights Pantry started in the spring 2009 in a small storage room at the Student Union where students came to get donated food and share their stories with volunteers . . . stories about lost jobs, lost homes and more.

The Pantry has since moved to a bigger location in Ferrell Commons and are now serving nearly 2,000 students and providing over 5,000 lbs of food per semester. Still, none of this would ever be possible without the outstanding group of over 40 student volunteers who dedicated their time and commitment to the Pantry. These volunteers go through two different training programs, and last semester donated nearly 600 hours of service to the Pantry.

“We are honored to be the recipients of ‘The Outstanding Service Project of the Year Award’ presented to us by the ACUI,’ commented Willis Chico, community outreach coordinator, Student Union. The award honors outstanding programs and program leaders on individual campuses who have made significant contributions to the community and campuses in which they live. “We dedicate this award to all of the KHK Pantry volunteers who not only believe in the UCF Creed, but also practice it,” said Chico.