Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15-October 15, 2013. There are many celebrations occurring throughout the UCF campus. On behalf of the Hispanic Heritage Month planning team, the Multicultural Student Center would like to invite faculty, staff and students to submit programs, educational workshops and any activities you have planned during this time. Their goal is to have one central location to showcase what the entire campus community is doing.
Please fill out this form: docs.google.com/forms/d/1rUeH5POopwE8hVdhi95LaVGO42JL7PryMmNe6Zgonxs/viewform if you would like your program or event added to the Hispanic Heritage Month calendar no later than Friday, September 6.
Help us make Hispanic Heritage Month 2013 a celebration to remember. For additional information or questions, contact the Multicultural Student Center at: msc@ucf.edu or by phone at 407.823.0401.