Brittani Dipaola and Marco Fanelli were recently named recipients of the Patrick W. Halloran scholarship provided by the National Order of Omega. Named for the Order of Omega’s past executive director, both recipients will each receive $500.
Every Order of Omega chapter across the country is able to nominate up to two students from their chapter for these national scholarships. Both of UCF’s nominees won due to their leadership and service to Order of Omega, Greek System, and campus community.
Dipaola is currently serving as the chapter President of Order of Omega at UCF. She was recently selected as the overall chair for Greek Week, which will entail coordinating involvement of 46 fraternities and sororities. She is a senior and member of Delta Delta Delta. Dipaola has been active in her sorority, serving as Philanthropy Chair, as well as Knight-Thon captain (the university’s all-night dance marathon), and has served as the marketing director for Uknighted for a Cure (the organization for Relay for Life.) She has also served as the Student Government Association’s Senate Leadership Council.
Fanelli is a senior and member of the Burnett Honor’s College. A proud member of Tau Kappa Epsilon, he has served in leadership roles in his fraternity, including treasurer, Sargeant-at-Arms, and Formal Chairman. He has attended numerous national and regional fraternity leadership conferences. In addition, Marco has served on Greek Council as GAMMA chair (risk management and alcohol education), and has served as an associate justice for the Student Government Association.
Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of Greek organizations. Order of Omega recognizes juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, involvement within their respective organization and within the Greek, campus, and local community. Members are selected from the top three percent of students at each institution.
To date, over 500 chapters have been chartered throughout North America, each sharing the common goal of recognizing the many outstanding student leaders at their institution. Order of Omega sponsors a variety of scholarships to undergraduate students. Since 1985, Order of Omega has awarded $785,000 in undergraduate scholarships and $142,750 in graduate fellowships.
The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life is in the Division of Student Development and Enrollment Services.