Social Justice and Advocacy, the newest department within Student Development and Enrollment Services, is responsible for providing oversight to the Multicultural Student Center and LGBTQ+ Services.

SJA will facilitate intentional programming aimed at addressing the following goals:

  • Advocate for access and equity throughout the UCF campus community.
  • Promote civil conversations on issues impacting campus climate.
  • Advocate for the advancement of matters of social justice, equity and inclusion.
  • Reduce barriers concerning prejudice and intergroup conflicts.
  • The mission of SJA is to promote an equitable campus environment where all are assured that diversity, in its many forms, is valued. SJA will support efforts to increase equal access to campus resources and opportunities, while cultivating inclusiveness to the least advantaged members of the campus community. SJA will advocate to decrease obstacles that prevent students from succeeding at the University of Central Florida.

    In addition, SJA offers programming and services such as:

  • Multicultural programming and awareness
  • LGBTQ+ programming
  • Workshops: advocacy, intersectionality and social justice
  • Mediation
  • Campus conversations/dialogues
  • Multicultural resources
  • Community partnerships
  • Edwanna Andrews, director for SJA, stated, “Future plans include the Multicultural Student Center and LGBTQ+ Services moving to the second floor of the Student Union to suite 207, collaboration with faculty, and development of social justice training programs.”

    For more information, visit: