James Traub, a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine, will speak at the University of Central Florida about the uprisings in the Middle East.
Traub’s presentation, “You Can’t Mistreat People Forever: The Revolution in the Arab World,” will begin at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, in the Pegasus Ballroom of the Student Union. Organized by the UCF Global Perspectives Office, the event is part of the 2011-2012 themes “People Power, Politics and Global Change” and “Covering Crises from the Frontlines.” It is free and open to the public.
Traub, who is also the author of “The Freedom Agenda: Why America Must Spread Democracy,” writes extensively about international affairs and the United Nations.
In recent years, he has reported from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Sudan, Guinea-Bissau, Congo, Sierra Leone, Angola, Georgia, Kosovo and Haiti. His weekly column on foreign policy, “Terms of Engagement,” appears on foreignpolicy.com, the website of Foreign Policy magazine.
Traub teaches a class on American foreign policy as part of New York University’s Sheikh Mohammad Scholarship Program in Abu Dhabi. He is a senior fellow of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, a fellow of the Center on International Cooperation and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
In addition to the Global Perspectives Office, sponsors and partners of Traub’s presentation include the UCF Student Government Association, the UCF Global Peace and Security Studies Program, The Sibille H. Pritchard Global Peace Fellowship Program, Lawrence J. Chastang and the Chastang Foundation, LarsonAllen LLP, the UCF Nicholson School of Communication, the UCF Office of Diversity Initiatives, the UCF Diplomacy Program, the UCF Middle Eastern Studies Program, the UCF Political Science Department, the UCF Book Festival 2012 in association with the Morgridge International Reading Center, UCF LIFE and the Global Connections Foundation.
For a full list of upcoming events or to learn more about the Global Perspectives Office, visit http://ucfglobalperspectives.org.