Student Disability Services (SDS) hosted a visit from the Johnson Foundation Board of Directors on March 25. The Johnson Foundation has provided scholarships to students with disabilities at UCF since 1991. Their generosity, over $1M, has supported 162 students with 338 scholarships.

During their visit, three UCF students currently benefiting from Johnson Scholarships personally thanked the board members for their assistance. Meeting with the students was the highlight of the visit for the board members.

Pam Rea, SDS director, along with President John C. Hitt, presented Malcolm McLeod, president/CEO of the Johnson Scholarship Foundation, with the “H. Trevor Colburn” plaque for their contribution of over $1M in scholarships for UCF students with disabilities. Also present to support SDS in thanking the Johnson Foundation Board of Directors were Maribeth Ehasz, Student Development and Enrollment Services vice president; Mark Gumble and  A.J. Range, SDES  assistant vice presidents; Janet Balanoff, Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action;  Inez Ford and Elouinise Baptiste, Student Financial Assistance; and a host of other UCF staff. Before moving on to their next destination, they were given a tour of the SDS office.

The board was also on campus to meet with UCF officials and representatives from the community and state colleges in the DirectConnect to UCF Consortium (Valencia Community College, Brevard Community College, Seminole State College and Lake-Sumter Community College) to discuss an endowment to support students transitioning to UCF.

The Office of Student Disability Services is in the Division of Student Development and Enrollment Services. For more information about SDS, visit: