Philanthropy Week at UCF is a four-day, campus-wide campaign that promotes the spirit of philanthropy on campus, creates awareness about the impact of private support and cultivates a tradition of giving back among students. Led by the UCF Student Philanthropy Council, Philanthropy Week focuses on how private support shapes and enhances the student experience at UCF.

Activities include:

  • Monday, February 9 – Education Day at the Student Union, 10am-2pm
  • Tuesday, February 10 – Appreciation Day at the Student Union, 10am-2pm
  • Wednesday, February 11 – Participation Day at the Student Union, 10am-2pm
  • Thursday, February 12 – Celebration Day at the Student Union, 10am-2pm
  • Thursday, February 12 – Philanthropy Week Symposium at the FAIRWINDS Alumni Center, 4pm
  • Thursday’s symposium at 4pm in the FAIRWINDS Alumni Center Ballroom will feature leaders from the Orlando area, who will engage in a panel discussion and answer student questions.

    For more information on the Student Philanthropy council, visit or contact Danielle Warren, UCF Fund,  at .