Leveraging the Power of Language Through Assistive Technology Decades-long research from a team led by Pegasus Professor Jennifer Kent-Walsh has already assisted thousands of children struggling to communicate. An historic grant will now allow them to reach immeasurably more.
Meet UCF’s 4 Pegasus Professors for 2023 Stephen Fiore, Jane Gibson, Jennifer Kent-Walsh and Marianna Pensky are the newest recipients of the university’s highest faculty honor.
UCF Develops Course to Enhance the Care of Patients Recovering From COVID-19 The fully online course is available through the graduate clinical speech pathology program and intends to prepare professionals to meet the complex needs of patients.
Simulation Helps Graduate Students Continue to Earn Clinical Hours Graduate speech therapy students continue to learn and gain experience, thanks to patient simulation software.
Research Aims to Help Children with Communication Disorders Gain a Voice through Apps Researchers at the University of Central Florida and the University of New Mexico have been awarded a $2.7 million National Institutes of Health grant to…
Faculty Members, Student Group to Receive National Speech-Language Pathology Awards UCF will be well-represented at this week’s awards ceremony of the 2016 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention in Philadelphia. Two leading scholars and a student organization from the…
NIH Funds Study on Technology, Services for Children with Severe Speech Disabilities Jennifer Kent-Walsh, professor of communication sciences and disorders, has been awarded a $437,812 grant from the National Institutes of Health to improve clinical services for…
Free iPads Give Children with Speech Difficulties a Voice Children with Down syndrome and limited speech recently received help learning to communicate using an iPad and special “apps” hand-selected by speech experts at the…