Applying to medical school isn’t like applying to college. There are many different requirements, which is why the University of Central Florida is again hosting the annual Medical School Admissions Symposium from 8 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21.

Almost 400 students are expected at the daylong event at the UCF College of Medicine at Lake Nona. The goal of the event is to provide prospective medical students with information about the admissions processes and give them an opportunity to speak to admissions representatives from around the nation. The event is open to students from all universities.

Twenty-two medical schools will be represented, including the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., and George Washington University in Washington, D.C. All nine Florida medical schools also will have representatives at the event.

Participants will start their day by listening to keynote speaker Dr. David Bailey, president and CEO of Nemours Children’s Hospital. Attendees can attend up to eight breakout sessions, which will include opportunities to meet and chat with the admission deans from schools. There’s also a medical student question-and answer-panel.

Professional attire is required and a light breakfast and lunch are provided. When students register they also get to rank which schools and representatives they would like to meet with during the day.

The cost is $27 for UCF students or $34 for admission and transportation from main campus to the college and back. Non-UCF students pay $32 to attend and are not eligible for the shuttle service. Registration closes Feb. 14.

Students may register for the event by clicking here and they can send questions to

Sponsors of the symposium include the International Medical Outreach, the Multi-Cultural Association of Pre-Health Students, Pre-Med American Medical Student Association, Pre-Professional Medical Society, the Princeton Review, Kaplan, Panera Bread, Sweet!, Coca-Cola, Dunkin’ Donuts and Olive Garden.