The Florida State University College of Law will begin accepting applications for fall 2015 admission from college juniors at the University of Central Florida as part of a new 3+3 program. Under the recently approved program, students who meet certain admission requirements can complete a bachelor’s degree and a law degree in six years rather than the traditional seven, saving a year of time and costs.
“I am delighted that President Hitt has approved our new relationship with UCF’s outstanding academic programs,” said FSU Law Dean Don Weidner. “In short, under this program, the first year of law school is double-counted: that is, it is credited both to the law degree and to the undergraduate degree. The result is that students and/or their families save the entire cost of the fourth year of college.”
Florida State has a similar arrangement for its own students. This is the first 3+3 program between the FSU College of Law and another university.
“Our partnership with one of the nation’s top law schools will enable students to receive a first-class education, save an entire year of the cost of college and begin their law careers a year earlier,” said Elliot Vittes, UCF’s interim vice provost and dean of undergraduate studies. “We encourage interested students with majors from around the university to consider this opportunity.”
UCF’s Office of Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising will have more information available about the new partnership later this spring and may be contacted at 407-823-3033.
To learn more about the 3+3 law school admission requirements, interested students also can contact the FSU Law Office of Admissions at 850-644-3787 or