This semester, the UCF College of Business Administration (#UCFBusiness) Young Investors Club provided students with exclusive access to influential individuals from the world of finance.
In April, #UCFBusiness Young Investors Club hosted Mike Bellafiore, co-founder of SMB Capital, a proprietary trading firm in New York City, and SMBU, its trader education company. Bellafiore discussed proprietary trading and how to make money trading in the short term. He is the author of One Good Trade and The Playbook, and has built trading programs globally for hedge funds, prop trading desks and retail traders. In addition, he is a Yahoo Finance contributor and writes regularly for the globally popular SMBU blog.
In March, the organization hosted William “Toby” Harrison Crabel. Crabel is a well-known self-made commodities trader and the fund manager of Crabel Capital Management, LLC, a global alternative investment firm specializing in futures and foreign currency trading. He began his study of market analysis in 1975 at Florida Technological University (later UCF), where he majored in finance.
Earlier that same month, students attended the York Finance Conference in England. Hosted by the University of York, the conference is the most prestigious student investment banking conference in all of Europe. Speakers included a monetary policy committee member for the Bank of England, as well as representatives from Rothschild, J.P. Morgan, Nomura and Amplify Trading.
As a result of attending the conference, Austin Moeller, incoming president of the Young Investors Club, was chosen to attend the 2016 York Finance Conference as the student ambassador to the United States.
The Young Investors Club brings students together to discuss investment and trading strategies in global financial markets. For more information, contact faculty advisor Ray Sturm, Ph.D., associate professor of finance, at and visit their blog at
About the College of Business Administration:
Established in 1968, the UCF College of Business Administration offers degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and executive levels. All programs, as well as the Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting are accredited by AACSB International – the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
The college provides high-quality academic programs designed to give students a competitive advantage in the world of business now and in the future. As such, the college establishes partnerships with some of the nation’s most innovative leaders to model new and best practices that harness evolving technology. In addition, the college promotes a unique culture of engagement, risk-taking, cross-disciplinary collaboration and data-driven decision making in an effort to ensure students are well prepared to enter a dynamic marketplace.
America’s Partnership University:
The University of Central Florida, the nation’s second-largest university with nearly 60,000 students, has grown in size, quality, diversity and reputation in its first 50 years. Today, the university offers more than 200 degree programs at its main campus in Orlando and more than a dozen other locations. UCF is an economic engine attracting and supporting industries vital to the region’s future while providing students with real-world experiences that help them succeed after graduation. For more information, visit