Thank you for providing scholarship assistance to a UCF student! Please complete the Private Scholarship Payment Submission Form and send it along with each scholarship check to the Office of Student Financial Assistance.
Mailing Address
For private donor correspondence and when mailing checks to UCF for scholarship recipients, please use our official address. If mailing a check, include the student’s full name and social security number on the check.
Office of Student Financial Assistance
P.O. Box 160113
Orlando, FL 32816-0113
Additional Documentation for Donors
Some donors require additional documentation, such as transcripts, verification of enrollment, fee invoices, etc. before sending a scholarship check to UCF. Below, please find information on how these items can be obtained:
If an official UCF transcript is required by the scholarship donor
Official transcripts must be provided to the scholarship donor by the student, not the Office of Student Financial Assistance. Students may obtain transcripts at the University Registrar.
If the scholarship donor has a verification of enrollment form to be completed by UCF
The student will have to submit the form to the Registrar’s Office in person, along with an Enrollment Certification Exception form that is available at the Registrar’s Office.
If the scholarship recipient is a student-athlete
To help ensure that UCF adheres to NCAA regulations, please complete the section entitled Scholarship Selection Criteria found on the Private Scholarship Payment Submission Form. You or your organization may be contacted by the Office of Student Financial Assistance or Athletics Compliance Office for additional information.
If verification of enrollment or a fee invoice is required by the scholarship donor
We recommend the student prints and sends you their online fee invoice to verify their hours of enrollment, costs, etc. It can be found in their myUCF Student Center.
If the scholarship donor requires a form to be completed by a financial aid officer
Please send the form to the “Private Scholarship Coordinator” at the address shown on the Private Scholarship Payment Submission Form or by fax at (407) 823-5241.
If you require a signed W-9 from UCF
The Signed W-9 Form with UCF as a Vendor is available each tax year from Financial Affairs.