Looking for information on the Starter Riot?
The BIG IDEA competition is your chance to share your BIG IDEA for solving an important problem and win cash prizes totaling $1500. You will be the star of the show with an audience including a panel of startup entrepreneur judges, supporters of Central Florida’s startup community, and inspired student onlookers. It promises to be an exciting showcase for UCF’s best brain-bending, world-changing, opportunity-creating BIG IDEAS!
You will have 90 seconds to present your solution, the problem it addresses, and the people you will help (your “market”). The entrepreneur judges will then take an additional 90 seconds to ask you questions. Only 10 students will compete in this fast-paced event.
Important Dates
Eligibility and Rules
Presentation Format & Judging Criteria
Do you have UCF’s next BIG IDEA?
Apply now – https://bit.ly/ucfbigidea. Competitors will be announced October 29th.