104 golfers participated in the 12th Annual College of Business Administration Alumni Chapter Tournament held at Eagle Creek Golf Club. The winning team, which won in a scorecard play-off after being tied with another team at 20 under par, will represent UCF at the Acura College Alumni Challenge at Pinehurst Resort in North Carolina. Tournament winners were:
1st Place Team: Kevin Crosby ’03; Lisa Spears; Carla Hansen and Thurman Granville
2nd Place Team: Kevin O’Connell ’02; Nick Chmielarski, ’02; Joe Meier ’88 and Al Mlynarski
3rd Place Team: Brian Armstrong; Mike Dolle ’87; Derrick Cox and Brian Fronczek
Men’s Closest to the Pin Winner: Ken Tuttle
Women’s Closest to the Pin Winner: Lisa Spears
Men’s Longest Drive: Seth Watts ’08
Women’s Longest Drive: Ruth Fricke ’82
An awards luncheon and silent auction were held after the tournament. Proceeds will be used to fund the College of Business Administration Alumni Chapter Endowed Scholarship and chapter operating expenses. View photos from the event. For more information on the golf tournament or the alumni chapter contact Don Swift at dswift@mail.ucf.edu or (407) 823-5781.