More than 300 professionals dedicated to enhancing social studies education around the world will gather at the University of Central Florida this week to engage in dialogue about the social studies.

The International Society for the Social Studies’ annual conference for educators will be held at the FAIRWINDS Alumni Center Thursday, Feb. 28, and Friday, March 1. Speakers from around the world will focus on the “Contemporary Social Studies” theme as they present during breakout sessions.

Presenters include university faculty, teacher educators, and undergraduate and graduate students. Breakout sessions will cover leveraging technology and social media in the classroom, using film and media to instruct social justice, teaching war from a moral perspective, and more.

The International Society for the Social Studies is a nonprofit professional society that promotes social studies education worldwide. UCF Associate Professor William B. Russell III is the society’s director.

For more information on the International Society for the Social Studies and this week’s conference, visit