Eighteen University of Central Florida students will receive the Order of Pegasus, UCF’s most prestigious student award.
The award honors outstanding undergraduate academic achievement, university involvement, leadership and community service. Graduate students are selected separately based on academic achievement, professional or community service, leadership and publication or research experience.
The winners will be honored at an invitation-only ceremony later this spring. The names and a picture of the inductees will be added to the wall of the Pegasus Lounge, which is located on the second floor of the Student Union overlooking the Pegasus Ballroom.
Inductees also receive commemorative medals, Student Government Association scholarships and lifetime memberships to the UCF Alumni Association.
The 2011 Order of Pegasus inductees, their majors and their colleges are:
Graduate Students
Ashley Curry, M.D. Program, College of Medicine, Charter Class
Adam Giery, Higher Education Policy Studies, College of Education
Anika Mirick, M.D. Program, College of Medicine, Charter Class
Sylvia Torres-Thomas, Nursing, College of Nursing
Zachary Walker, Exceptional Education, College of Education
Undergraduate Students
Aaron Alva, Political Science, College of Sciences
Keristen Black, Management, College of Business Administration
Melissa Blette, Marketing, Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Business Administration and Undergraduate Studies. She is also a member of The Burnett Honors College
Jacqueline Boehme, Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine. She is also member of The Burnett Honors College
Brennan Dobbins, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Ashley Ewh, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science. She is also a member of the The Burnett Honors College
Kumail Merchant, Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine. He is also a member of The Burnett Honors College
Michelle Messina, Interdisciplinary Studies, Undergraduate Studies. She is also a member of The Burnett Honors College
Jasmine Rosa, General Business, College of Business Administration
Stephen “Kyle” Schumacher, Finance, College of Business Administration. He is also a member of The Burnett Honors College
Kyle Simpson, Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine. He is also a member of The Burnett Honors College
Rachael Spangenberg, English Literature, College of Arts and Humanities. She is also a member of The Burnett Honors College
Gabrielle Swaby, French, Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Arts and Humanities and Undergraduate Studies