UCF kicks off its annual United Way Campaign this week – a month-long community celebration and pledge drive to help people in need. The October goal for the Live United campaign is $150,000 to support charitable agencies and programs.
“Let’s start UCF’s next 50 years by making a difference – a big difference for those in need in Central Florida,” said President John C. Hitt.
Special events this year include a Live United Flea Market on Oct. 9, the 5th annual Critical Needs Drive benefitting the Knights Pantry and Second Harvest Food Bank, Spooky Knight 5K, opportunities for volunteering and making agency visits, and other activities. There also is an initiative designed to support UCF’s commitment to health and wellbeing, the 3rd annual RunUnited challenge, which lasts throughout October.
This year, for the first time, the student body has challenged the faculty and staff to raise money. Students are striving to exceed the $150,000 goal, thus increasing the university’s impact through the United Way Campaign to $300,000.
Everyone’s support is needed to help UCF reach its impact goal. Donations can be given through payroll deduction, cash, check, or credit card. There are paper pledge forms as well as an online giving option. Donors can choose from United Way designation options to benefit, such as the United Way’s Investing in Results programs, specific United Way agencies, or a write-in option.
Visit the www.ucf.edu/liveunited website for links to the online giving portal as well as a printable paper pledge form. There are also details about special events, campaign sponsors, and more. For additional information, please contact the campaign office at 407-823-3094 or liveunited@ucf.edu.