As the midterm elections approach, public approval of Congress remains at an all-time low and the frustration among voters over the partisan polarization in Congress is mounting. On Thursday, Oct. 2, three leaders of the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) will share their ideas at a UCF town hall discussion on how to get government working more effectively and engage more Americans in the political process.

Former Senator Olympia Snowe, the co-chair of the BPC’s Commission on Political Reform, and Girls on the Run< founder Molly Barker, also a member of the commission, will be joined by BPC president Jason Grumet, who authored City of Rivals: Restoring the Glorious Mess of American Democracy. The three leaders will discuss the causes of today’s political dysfunction and the commission’s bipartisan solutions to get government working more effectively. John C. Bersia, UCF Special Assistant to the President for Global Perspectives, will moderate the discussion. The event, which is open to the public and includes time for questions from the audience, takes place from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Pegasus Ballroom of the Student Union. For further information, please contact