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Get Your UCF License Plate

It’s easier than ever to Knight Your Ride! Order online to upgrade to the UCF custom license plate and renew your Florida tag, or visit your local tax collector. Online orders will be processed within 7-10 business days by our partners at the Indian River County Tax Collector’s office, which can handle tag requests for all Florida residents.

To Upgrade Your Plate In Person:

  1. 1.Find your nearest county tax collector office.
  2. 2.Make an appointment.
  3. 3.Request the UCF specialty license plate. (Personalized UCF tags are also available)
  4. 4.Support UCF with the $25 annual fee. (Other local and state taxes and fees apply)
  5. 5.Knight Your Ride!

To Renew Your Plate:

Follow the instructions mailed to you from your county tax collector, and be sure to select the option to continue supporting UCF.


Florida residents with first-time orders: Just fill out this form and you’ll be redirected to the Indian River County Tax Collector’s website to finish your transaction.