The 7th annual Healthy Knights Expo was held on October 2 in collaboration with the Counseling and Psychological Services; Health Services; Wellness and Health Promotions; Recreation and Wellness Center; and several other Student Development and Enrollment Services departments. Community partners included the National Association of Mental Illness of Greater Orlando and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

In the past, students enjoyed the expo outside in the beautiful weather with the start of the fall season. This year, the expo was held inside in the Student Union Pegasus Balllroom offering various health and wellness information stations as well as providing space for free flu shots to students, courtesy of the Health Center. While waiting in line for the flu shot, students enjoyed free fresh fruit and smoothies from Smoothie King.

CAPS offered opportunities for the students to learn about mental health issues as well as increasing awareness around diversity and body image issues. Students were able to talk with clinicians about services and programs offered through the center. Bodhi, CAPS animal assisted therapy dog (in training), was also present and had a great time meeting new students and putting a smile on everyone’s face.

Smoke-Free UCF educated students about the smoke-free campus and resources available for those ready to quit. WHPS was on-hand to pass out information about HIV testing and sexual health related resources.

The RWC shared some of their exciting programs and conducted demonstrations of some of its fitness classes. Ping-pong and other games were available for students to play. Knightro had a great time posing for photos with students and working out with RWC instructors at cardio kick boxing.

The expo was also an opportunity for student groups such as Active Minds and Health Services and CAPS peer educators to participate and talk with their peers about health and wellness related services and resources.

Overall, the Healthy Knight Expo was a huge success and impacted more than 1,200 students. This collaboration between SDES departments was a way to share all the resources available to students to help them be happy, healthy and successful.

Check out the Healthy Knights video at: