Longtime golfer David Napolitano had an idea to revolutionize the way the perfect golf stroke was taught and learned for both amateurs and professionals. He understood first-hand the painstaking process of committing each complex set of movements for the perfect golf swing to muscle memory so he set out to build the perfect trainer.
The training system is the first of its kind that allows golfers to “feel” the successive mechanics of their personalized ideal swing. By repeating the ideal movement over and over through a guided “ride,” powering all aspects of the golf swing – shoulder turn, wrist cock and turn, weight shift, follow through, speed, tempo, etc. – the golfer is learning to power their own swing. The mechanics are personalized to the student’s level of expertise, physical condition, and swing characteristics to create an individualized experience.
Because developing this solution required complex mechanical and electrical engineering to enable the sensitive responsiveness of adapting the swing to each golf student, Napolitano and Chief Operating Officer Martin Lebouitz solicited the expert help of University of Central Florida (UCF) researchers from the College of Engineering and Computer Science, many of whom Lebouitz had worked with on previous, successful projects.
UCF professors Thomas Wu, Issa Batarseh, Louis Chow, and Wei Wu along with graduate students Xiaoyi Zhao and Amit Bhattacharjee worked with input from golf professionals to design a solution, test feasibility, and validate the concept. Initial funding was provided by DNA Sports Trainer with support from a matching grant from the Florida High Tech Corridor Council. A second round of funding was invested to build and test two pre-production prototypes based on the proven concept and design.
The team of engineering and golf professionals have spent three years developing this technology. A functional prototype is planned for the Spring of 2016.
The DNA Ring Swing Trainer, manufactured in the U.S., will make its industry debut at the 2016 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Florida, January 26-29, where it will be unveiled and demoed to the golf industry.
About DNA Sports Trainer, LLC:
DNA SPORTS TRAINER, LLC, is a privately held sports technology company in Florida. It has developed and patented the first bio-mechanical Ring Swing Training device that instructs beginning, intermediate and advanced golfers how to perfect their golf swings to be in harmony with their body mechanics while at the same time not allowing distracting and conflicting thought processes to enter into the training procedure. The company plans to introduce its patented technologies into the sports of Tennis, Baseball and Hockey. DNA Sports Trainer, LLC is headquartered in Tampa, FL.