87 phonebook results found for “Housekeeping & Recycling Services”
Organizations (10 results)
BUSINESS SERVICESPhoneFax407-882-0175
POSTAL SERVICESPhoneFax407-823-3204
STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES (SHS)PhoneFax407-823-4352Location
Departments (60 results)
Housekeeping & Recycling ServicesA division of: Facilities OperationsPhoneFax407-823-6728
- Frank Dahlstrom Superintendent Custodial Services 407-259-0586
- Katherine Del Cid Custodial Supervisor 407-903-8169
- Marleni Esguerra Senior Custodial Worker 407-266-7091
- Vivanan Garzon Superintendent, Custodial Services 689-312-0093
- Jacob Gomez Groundskeeping Supervisor 407-697-3512
- Martha Maruri Custodial Supervisor 407-823-0877
- Dionisio Mathews Senior Custodial Worker 407-823-0877
- Abderrahim Mouhassin Custodial Supervisor 407-823-3641
- Miyerladi Perez Senior Custodial Worker 407-823-2721
- Rachel Perry Superintendent Custodial Services 407-259-0023
- Cindy Prophitt Custodial Supervisor 407-823-2524
- Diana Restrepo Superintendent, Custodial Services 407-592-2864
- William Russell Senior Custodial Worker 407-823-2721
- Jason Simon Manager, Housekeeping I 407-823-1384
- Yancey Stull Custodial Specialist III 689-312-6566
- Chris Turnage Manager, Housekeeping I
- Thaina Velez Superintendent, Custodial Services 407-607-4817
Communication ServicesA division of: UCF ITPhoneFax407-823-5252
Business ServicesA division of: Facilities & Safety-office of The AvpPhoneFax407-882-0175
Network ServicesA division of: UCF ITPhoneFax407-882-9032
Parking ServicesA division of: Facilities & Safety-office of The AvpPhoneFax407-823-6715Location
Administrative ServicesA division of: Hospitality Management, Rosen College ofPhoneFax407-903-8105Location
ITV & Video Conference ServicesA division of: Instructional Resources, Office of (OIR)PhoneLocation
Employment Services and RecordsA division of: Human Resources DepartmentPhoneFax407-823-3507Location
Student Legal Services (SLS)A division of: Student Success and Well-being (SSWB)PhoneFax407-823-5305Location
Utilities & Energy ServicesA division of: Utilities & Energy ServicesPhone
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)A division of: Office of Access and Community EngagementPhoneFax407-823-2372Location
Postal and Material ServicesA division of: Facilities & Safety-resource ManagementPhoneFax407-823-3204
Hospitality Services, Department ofA division of: Hospitality Management, Rosen College ofPhoneLocation
Student Accessibility ServicesA division of: Hospitality Management, Rosen College ofPhoneLocation
Health Services AdministrationA division of: Health Management and InformaticsPhoneFax407-823-6138Location
Research Administration Services TeamA division of: Community Innovation and Education, College of (CCIE)PhoneLocation
COSAS (Sciences Academic Services)A division of: Sciences, College ofPhoneFax407-823-3976Location
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)A division of: Student Success and Well-being (SSWB)PhoneFax407-823-5415
International Student and Scholar ServicesA division of: UCF GlobalPhoneFax407-823-2526Location
Communications & Marketing Technology ServicesA division of: Communications and MarketingPhone
Health Services Administration AdvisingA division of: Health Management and InformaticsPhoneLocation
Graduate Student Services and GraduationA division of: Graduate Studies, The College ofPhoneLocation
Office of Student Services and AdvisementA division of: Biomedical Sciences, Burnett School ofPhoneFax407-823-3095Location
SSWB Human Resources Services CenterA division of: Student Success and Well-being (SSWB)PhoneLocation
Wellness & Health Promotion Services (WHPS)A division of: Student Success and Well-being (SSWB)PhoneFax407-823-3411Location
Academic Student Services Center (Advising)A division of: Communication and Media, Nicholson School ofPhone
Academic Services for Student Athletes (ASSA)A division of: Athletics DepartmentPhoneFax407-823-3761Location
Academic Services for Student Athletes (ASSA)A division of: Student Success and Well-being (SSWB)PhoneFax407-823-3761Location
Multicultural Academic & Support Services (MASS)A division of: Office of Access and Community EngagementPhoneFax407-823-5616Location
Staff (17 results)
Rachel Perry Superintendent Custodial ServicesEmail rbarton@ucf.eduDepartmentPhoneLocationPostal Code32816-3660
Chris Turnage Manager, Housekeeping IEmail chris.turnage@ucf.eduDepartmentPhoneN/APostal Code32816-3660
William Russell Senior Custodial WorkerEmail william.russell@ucf.eduDepartmentPhonePostal Code32816-3677
Jason Simon Manager, Housekeeping IEmail jason.simon@ucf.eduDepartmentPhonePostal Code32816-3660
Abderrahim Mouhassin Custodial SupervisorEmail abderrahim.mouhassin@ucf.eduDepartmentPhoneLocationPostal Code32816-3677
Jacob Gomez Groundskeeping SupervisorEmail jacob.gomez@ucf.eduDepartmentPhonePostal Code32816-3677
Cindy Prophitt Custodial SupervisorEmail cindy.prophitt@ucf.eduDepartmentPhoneLocationPostal Code32816-3677
Martha Maruri Custodial SupervisorEmail martha.maruri@ucf.eduDepartmentPhonePostal Code32816-3677
Vivanan Garzon Superintendent, Custodial ServicesEmail viviana.garzon@ucf.eduDepartmentPhoneLocationPostal Code32827
Yancey Stull Custodial Specialist IIIEmail yancey.stull@ucf.eduDepartmentPhoneLocationPostal Code32816-1050
Frank Dahlstrom Superintendent Custodial ServicesEmail frank.dahlstrom@ucf.eduDepartmentPhoneLocationPostal Code32816-3660
Thaina Velez Superintendent, Custodial ServicesEmail thaina.velez@ucf.eduDepartmentPhoneLocationPostal Code32816-3660
Katherine Del Cid Custodial SupervisorEmail katherine.delcid@ucf.eduDepartmentPhoneLocationPostal Code32819
Marleni Esguerra Senior Custodial WorkerEmail marleni.esguerra@ucf.eduDepartmentPhonePostal Code32816-3677
Miyerladi Perez Senior Custodial WorkerEmail miyerladi.perez@ucf.eduDepartmentPhonePostal Code32816-3677
Diana Restrepo Superintendent, Custodial ServicesEmail diana.restrepo@ucf.eduDepartmentPhonePostal Code32816
Dionisio Mathews Senior Custodial WorkerEmail dionisio.mathews@ucf.eduDepartmentPhonePostal Code32816-3677