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Tips For Being A Good Saver

  • Always pay yourself first by making regular deposits into your savings account(s).
  • Make deposits often (even small amounts can add up).
  • Do not make unnecessary withdrawals from your savings account(s).
  • Set short-term as well as long term-savings goals. Saving is a multilayered process.
  • Seek advice… Financial planners can help you reach your financial goals.

“Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.”

– Warren Buffet

Saving is a key component of being financially strong. Saving requires proper planning and recognizing that it may be more beneficial to your financial well-being to resist the urge to fulfill all your wants to ensure there are funds for unexpected and planned events in the future. There are many reasons why saving is a great idea. One reason is there are many unexpected things that can happen in life such as car repairs, job loss or illness. Saving for the unexpected is often referred to as saving for a rainy day. Ideally, you should have 3-6 months of expenses available in a rainy day account. Saving can also be approached with purpose. For example, you may save for a vacation or an expensive item you may want or down payment on a home or automobile. Another compelling reason to save is for the long-term future. Saving for retirement or for your child’s college education are examples of long-term saving.

Saving Resources