University Estates homeowners are extremely fortunate to have the University of Central Florida just a mile or so away. Should the need for an advanced degree become either necessary or merely interesting, UCF is an extraordinary place to seek out your advanced degree. With the upcoming school year about to commence, UCF is advertising its graduate degree program for people interested in advancing their careers and career prospects.
Prospective students can learn about UCF’s nearly 200 graduate programs during the annual Graduate Fair on Wednesday, September 9.
The open house-style event, organized by UCF’s College of Graduate Studies, will be from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Pegasus Ballroom in the UCF Student Union. It is free and open to anyone interested in UCF’s doctoral, master’s or certificate programs. Dress is casual and representatives from UCF’s colleges and programs will be on hand to answer questions and provide information. Parking is available in any of the nearby garages or student lots.
The College of Graduate Studies is responsible for providing leadership and vision for graduate education at UCF. Program quality, graduate admissions, recruiting, enrollment management, student services and records, financial support, policies, appeals, program development and review, benchmarking, and completion of graduate degrees are important concerns of the College. There are nearly 200 graduate programs offered. The general areas for graduate studies are: Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Computer Science, Business Administration, Education, Health and Public Affairs, Nursing, Sciences, Optics and Photonics.
UCF strives to make the transition to graduate school easy and affordable for students. Fellowships, assistantships and financial aid are available. For a significant portion of the graduate student population at UCF, the process of learning and being trained for disciplines that require graduate-level education includes participating in the research, teaching, and community-building missions of the University. This partnership between graduate students and the University is recognized by both the University and the State of Florida by means of financial support in the form of fellowships, tuition remission, and research and teaching assistantships. Many of the assistantship appointments represent professional opportunities as well as a means of financial support. What this means is that UCF can help graduate students with the financial requirements to pursue an advanced degree.
So, if a graduate degree is in your future, please consider attending UCF’s annual Graduate Fair on Wednesday, September 9.
This is the fourth in a series of short articles for the University Estates Home Owners Association, written by Dean Haylett. In these articles, we will provide information to our residents of local activities of potential interest. We will begin with information about the University of Central Florida. We are working with the UCF administration to provide information on education, entertainment, sports, and other community activities.