The Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology leads to a broad foundation of knowledge in the discipline of psychology. One of our primary goals is to educate students to intelligently evaluate psychological information that they are encountered with in the real world. By completing this major, students will understand basic psychology terminology and concepts used in, statistical and research methods, physiological psychology, and history and systems. Students will also understand what constitutes scholarly sources, and be able to access them. All psychology majors are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as research, volunteer, and internships as well as our various student organizations that are affiliated with the major.
Degree Requirements
- Students who change degree programs and select this major must adopt the most current catalog
- Departmental Residency Requirement: at least 21 semester hours of regularly scheduled 3000-4000 level courses must be taken from the UCF Psychology Department
- Students must earn a grade of "C" (2.0) or better in each course used to satisfy the CPP, Core Requirements, Restricted Electives and Science Electives.
- Students may file an appeal to their Academic Success Coach (ASC) to be granted the use of one "C-" (1.75) toward the major requirements.
- Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all courses satisfying major requirements. If additional Psychology courses are taken beyond the minimum required (e.g. additional restricted electives), those courses will be included in the GPA calculation.
- Students can select only one Track.
- Co-op or internship credit cannot be used in this major without prior approval
- Additional requirements exist for students pursuing the Honors in the Major program.
- All prerequisites of courses taught within the College of Sciences will be enforced.
- Courses designated in 1 (General Education Program) and 2 (Common Program Prerequisites) are usually completed in the first 60 hours.
Online Psychology, BS
Psychology (B.S.) may be completed fully online, although not all elective options or program prerequisites may be offered online. Newly admitted students choosing to complete this program exclusively via UCF online classes may enroll with a reduction in campus-based fees.
Degree Requirements
Core Requirements: Basic
0 Total Credits
- The Basic Core is fulfilled by completion of the required GEP and CPP (see above).
Core Requirements: Advanced
26 Total Credits
- Complete the following:
- EXP3604 - Cognitive Psychology (3)
- PSB3002 - Physiological Psychology (3)
- PSY3024 - Psychology: Career Readiness I (2)
- PSY3074 - Psychology: Career Readiness II (2)
- PSY3204C - Statistical Methods in Psychology (4)
- PSY3213C - Research Methods in Psychology (4)
- PSY4049 - Psychology Capstone (2)
- PSY4604 - History and Systems of Psychology (3)
- SOP3004 - Social Psychology (3)
Restricted Electives
9 Total Credits
- Complete all of the following
Diversity Elective- Complete all of the following
- Additional restricted electives may be added as approved.
- Complete at least 1 of the following:
- SOP3723 - Cross Cultural Psychology (3)
- SOP3724 - Psychology of Prejudice (3)
- SOP3784 - Psychology of Diversity (3)
- SOP3702 - Psychology of Gender (3)
Math/Science Electives- Complete all of the following
- Students must meet the course prerequisites for any course they select. See course listing for prerequisites.
- Earn at least 6 credits from the following types of courses: ANT 2511 - The Human Species ANT 3541 - Biobehavioral Anthropology ANT 3550C - Primatology ANT 4516 - Human Biological Diversity ANT 4586C - Human Origins BSC 2011C - Biology II BSC 4312C - Advanced Marine Biology CHM 1020 - Concepts in Chemistry CHM 2045C - Chemistry Fundamentals I CHM 2046 - Chemistry Fundamentals II EVR XXXX - Any EVR prefix course HSA 4702 - Health Sciences Research Methods HSC 3147 - Introduction to Pharmacology MAC 2233 - Concepts of Calculus MAC 2253 - Applied Calculus MCB XXXX - Any MCB prefix course PCB 3063 - Genetics PCB 3703C - Human Physiology PHY 2053C - College Physics I Studio PSC 1121 - Physical Science STA 4102 - Computer Processing of Statistical Data STA 4163 - Statistical Methods II STA 4164 - Statistical Methods III ZOO XXXX - Any ZOO prefix course
- Additional courses may be added as approved.
Clinical Psychology Track Requirements
15 - 16 Total Credits
- Complete all of the following
- A grade of "C" (2.0) or better is required in each course used to complete this track.
- Complete the following:
- CLP3143 - Psychopathology (3)
- Complete at least 4 of the following:
- APK3400 - Sports Psychology (3)
- CLP3004 - Behavioral Self Control (3)
- CLP3184 - Women's Mental Health (3)
- CLP3302 - Clinical Psychology (3)
- CLP3413 - Contemporary Behavior Therapy (3)
- CLP4314 - Health Psychology (3)
- CLP4390 - Forensic Psychology (3)
- DEP3464 - Psychology of Aging (3)
- EAB3703 - Principles of Behavior Modification (3)
- PCO4203 - Interviewing and Counseling (3)
- PPE3003 - Personality Theory and Research (3)
- PSB3441 - Psychobiological Aspects of Drugs (3)
- PSY3302 - Psychological Measurement (3)
- PSY4215C - Advanced Research Methods in Psychology (4)
- SOP2772 - Sexual Behavior (3)
- SOP3751 - Legal Aspects of Psychology (3)
- CLP4134 - Childhood Psychopathology (3)
- CLP4114 - Feeding and Eating Disorders (3)
- Additional courses may be added as approved.
Capstone Requirement
2 Total Credits
- Complete the following:
- PSY4049 - Psychology Capstone (2)
Grand Total Credits: 52 - 53
- To fulfill the 120 hours required in this degree, select primarily from upper-level courses after meeting with a departmental advisor. Courses may be outside the department.
Foreign Language Requirements
- Proficiency equivalent to one year of college instruction in either a foreign language, or two semesters equivalent of American Sign Language. Standardized examinations may be used to meet the requirement.
Departmental Exit Requirements
- Students must earn at least a "C" (2.0) in each course used to satisfy the CPP, Core Requirements, Restricted Electives and Science Electives.
- Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all courses satisfying major requirements. If additional Psychology courses are taken beyond the minimum required (e.g., additional restricted electives), those courses will be included in the GPA calculation.
University Minimum Exit Requirements
- A 2.0 UCF GPA
- 60 semester hours earned after CLEP awarded
- 42 semester hours of upper division credit completed
- 30 of the last 39 hours of course work must be completed in residency at UCF.
- A maximum of 45 hours of extension, correspondence, CLEP, Credit by Exam, and Armed Forces credits permitted.
- Complete the General Education Program, the Gordon Rule, and nine hours of Summer credit.
Total Undergraduate Credit Hours Required: 120
Honors In Major
Additional Requirements: 6 Credit Hours
- The Honors in Psychology is available to majors who show outstanding scholarship and promise in psychology.
- Apply and be accepted into the program through the department and The Burnett Honors College. More information about Honors in the Major can be found at
- Fulfill University requirements for Honors in the Major.
- Earn an overall UCF GPA above 3.2.
- All grades in Psychology courses must be a "B" (3.0) or higher.
- Have a Psychology GPA above 3.5, based on at least 11 credits, including the following course.
- PSY 3213C - Research Methods in Psychology Credit Hours: 4
- PSY 4903H - Honors Directed Reading I Credit Hours: 3
- PSY 4970H - Undergraduate Honors Thesis Credit Hours: 3
Transfer Notes
- Lower division courses do not substitute for upper division courses.
- Courses transferred from private and out-of-state schools must be evaluated for equivalency credit. The student must provide all supporting information.
- Acceptable Substitutes for Transfer Courses:
- The following substitutions for common program prerequisites are acceptable if taken prior to transferring to UCF:
- Biology: any lower level BSC course or ZOO X010 will satisfy the CPP. However, the course is required in the core and still must be taken. In addition, the advanced course is a prerequisite for some courses.
- Statistics; any lower-level STA course will satisfy the CPP. However, the course is required in the core and still must be taken. In addition, they are prerequisites for some courses.
Program Academic Learning Compacts
- Program Academic Learning Compacts (student learning outcomes) for undergraduate programs are located at:
Equipment Fees
- Part-Time Student: $13.00 per term
- Full-Time Student: $26 per term